Friday, 31 October 2008

All Hallows Eve...

My favourite holiday.

I'm not going Trick or Treating*, but I am getting dressed up for a party tonight. I made my mask all by myself, and I'm very proud. I'm going as a leopard. So, every leopard print item of clothing I own, plus my very fit mask and a tail [from Topshop!?!].

Will attempt to post pictures [stolen from someone who owns a camera].

I'm not going to be around for a few days. I'm going to my boyfriends place 'Oop North for the weekend, but I should be coming back on Sunday or Tuesday, havn't decided yet.


*Small Brother is no longer small enough to use as a cover for my teenage trick or treating. Damn! I used him as my decoy up until last year, but as he has just started secondary school I think he would be, quite frankly, mortified to be seen with his 19 year old sister when she is dressed as a leopard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hoping you have a well deserved fun filled evening! Beware Oop North, it's darn chilly!

Lola x